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Environmental Management
Environmental Sustainability Report 2005

Disclosure of Environment-related Information

In order to inform our stakeholders what the Kobe Steel Group is doing in environmental management, Kobe Steel actively discloses environmental information and data through various communication means including the Internet, advertisements in newspapers and magazines, exhibitions, and lectures.

Environmental Report
Kobe Steel has published an annual environmental report since 1999, and this year's report is the seventh edition. Every year, we strive to improve the contents taking into account feedback from readers through a variety of media.

In order to communicate our successes in environmental protection and creation, we will continue our efforts to cover as wide a range of topics as possible and improve the accuracy of the report.

Annual Environmental Reports (in Japanese)

English Environmental Report on the Internet

Disclosure of Environmental Data by Telemeter
At our steelworks, SOx, NOx, and fuel consumption are checked and monitored by a computerized environmental data control system and the data is transmitted to local governments.

At Shinko Kobe Power, Inc., the emission concentration of SOx and NOx from the power plant and the difference in the intake and discharge water temperatures of the condenser cooling water are disclosed to the public on the monitor screen adjacent to Nadahama Garden Baden and Nadahama Science Square. At the same time, the data is transmitted to the Kobe city government by telemeter so that the Kobe government can constantly monitor the data.

Monitor screen showing environmental data

Guidebook on Environment-Friendly Products and Technologies
In 2000, we published a guidebook in Japanese on our environmental business. The guidebook, called "Environmental Business of Kobe Steel Group: Product and Technology Guide," explains in detail our environment-friendly efforts and technologies.

Promotion of Environmental Communication
At our works and plants, environmental communication is promoted in light of the opinions received through periodical communications with people in communities as well as questionnaires attached to the Environmental Report and opinions received by e-mail.

Informing Through Exhibitions
Kobe Steel Group actively participates in environment-related exhibitions, and makes efforts to inform visitors of its activities by introducing products, technologies, and information about group environmental management.

Kobe Technofesta, January 2005

Hyogo Eco-Town Fair, October 2004