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Reader Evaluations

Taking on board individual comments as part of a more interactive Sustainability Report

At the Kobe Steel Group, we conduct a survey every year as part of the publication of our Sustainability Report. We received the following comments and opinions from a wide range of readers in response to our fiscal 2010 report. We will continue to incorporate readers’ opinions into our reports in the future, in an effort to create a more interactive Sustainability Report.

Results of the Fiscal 2010 Survey

Profile of Respondents
Profile of Respondents
Evaluation of the Fiscal 2010 Report
Evaluation of FY2010 Report

Content That Was Particularly Interesting or Impressive

- Social contribution activities were outlined very clearly, according to individual Group companies.
- I was impressed by the special feature entitled "Innovative Products Help Lower CO2 Emissions". It really conveyed how the Kobe Steel Group is helping to reduce CO2 through its own unique products.
- It gave me high hopes for further innovations in the development of products to help reduce CO2 emissions in the future.
- I was surprised to learn that Kobe Steel products were used in the gain tower on Tokyo Sky Tree.
- In terms of corporate social responsibility activities, the contribution that Kobe Steel makes to society through rugby is genuinely unique.
- The sections on risk management and disaster prevention provided specific information about areas such as legal compliance and accidents. Kobe Steel deserves credit for openly publishing information in that way.
- The report gave an insight into the attitudes of individual employees, as well as management personnel. I thought that was excellent.
- I was surprised to see such a detailed account of government recommendations and guidance. The report as a whole gave a real sense of the Group’s determination and employees’ attitudes on a day-to-day level.

Content Readers Would Like to See Included in the Next Report

- I would like to see more details of how individual employees feel and issues they became aware of after taking part in social contribution activities.
- I would like to know more about new products and technologies designed to reduce environmental impact.
- I would be interested to see follow-up reports on compliance and safety activities and progress with new technologies aimed at reducing environmental impact.
- I would be interested to know what sort of support the Group provides for employees who get involved in social contribution activities.
- I would like more details about Kobelion, the High Efficiency Mini Series, the MIDREX Series of direct reduction plants, and diamond-coated titanium electrodes, as well as efforts to switch to alternative chemicals.
- As a major company, I think Kobe Steel would be better off promoting its capabilities in a way that anyone can understand. That way, you could even win over people who might not be interested at first glance.
- I would like to see more coverage of the Kobe Steel Rugby Club. Their strength and determination would help inspire adults and young people alike.

Other Comments

- I was surprised by the extent of the Group’s environmental and social activities. In terms of the environment in particular, it is reassuring to know that every production process is carried out in line with detailed standards.
- There is a real sense that the Group is determined to take the local environment into consideration and make it a better place through its corporate activities.
- The desire to seek out issues that the local community is really struggling with and to do something to help, no matter how small, should be shared by every plant and works, and by every employee.
- Kobe Steel should organize more rugby-based social contribution activities, such as SCIX Rugby Club training sessions at rugby grounds around the country for example.
- I think the Group should set up a division to provide training for other companies involved in local communities, as part of its overall training framework. Small and medium-sized companies are lagging behind in terms of training, and could do with some support.