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Sustainability Report 2012
Message from the President
Overview of the Kobe Steel Group
Feature: Contributing to Society Through Monozukuri
- Protecting People Through Monozukuri
- Creating Energy Through Monozukuri
Basic Approach to CSR Activities
Enforcing and Strengthening Compliance
Environmental Report
- Striving to Become an Advanced Environmental Enterprise through Environmental Management Based on Three Visions
Six Principal Initiatives Under Our Basic Environmental Management Policy
Highlights of the Kobe Steel Group's Activities in Fiscal 2011
Close Up on Environmental Activities
KOBELCO Environment Creation FundMaterial Balance
- Environmental Activities and Performance
- Environmentally friendly manufacturing
Measures Against Global Warming
Promoting Recycling
Proper Control of Chemical Substances
Reducing the Environmental Impact
Environmental Accounting
- Contributing to the Environment through Products, Technologies and Services
Reducing CO2 Emissions through Products
Machinery, Natural Resources and Engineering
Outside Awards
Contributing to the Environment Through R&D
Disclosure of Environmental Information
Cooperation with the Local Community
Full Staff Participation
Comprehensive Risk Management
Risk Management Activities at Overseas Locations
Social Report
- Stepping up social contribution activities based on bonds with a wide range of stakeholders
Our Approach to Social Contribution Activities
Highlights of Activities in Fiscal 2011
Social Contributions Around the World
Providing outstanding products and services
Creating a Pleasant Working Environment
Disaster Prevention Activities
Relations with Shareholders and Investors
Contributing to Society
Locations with EMS Certification
Emission Data of Production Facilities
Reader Evaluations
Third-Party Comment
Examples of Activities
Our flared seawalls, which help deflect high tides and weaken the momentum of high waves, have already been constructed in eight locations in western Japan. More coastal towns around Japan are set to follow suit in the future.
Our first binary generator, which will produce electricity from sources such as geothermal heat and hot springs, is due to go into operation in December 2012 in the renowned hot spring resort of Yufuin in Kyushu.
We want to convey the importance of nature. That's why we launched an employee tree-planting scheme via the Kobelco Environment Creation Fund.
Using recycled slag, a byproduct of the iron- and steel-making processes, we made an artificial reef for seaweed and fish, in order to help restore marine environments.
In fiscal 2011, too, we contributed to reducing CO2 emissions through our "Only One"products and technologies.
Nadahama Science Square provides a hands-on learning experience that brings children closer to nature and encourages them to take an interest in science.
We passed on messages of encouragement from a Chinese elementary school devastated by the Great Sichuan Earthquake in 2008 to an elementary school affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011.
Numerous KOBELCO products have been used in Tokyo Skytree®, which opened in May 2012. It's a testament to the quality of our products and our outstanding technical capabilities.
The Kobelco 1/17 Walk helps people check their walking route to work in the event of an earthquake, making the most of the lessons learned from the 1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake.
Nadahama Science Square provides a hands-on learning experience that brings children closer to nature and encourages them to take an interest in science.
The Kobelco Steelers, Kobe Steel's rugby team, have been selling "SMILE AGAIN" wristbands to raise money for victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

The Kobe Steel Group has created a logo to promote an environmental image and raise the environmental awareness of its employees. The freehand drawing of a leaf expresses the natural and gentle image of fresh green leaves on trees. The arrow and the word ECOWAY, used in combination with the leaf, symbolizes our commitment to moving steadily forward to become an environmentally advanced corporate group.
Editorial Policy for the 2012 Edition

This report was created by the Report Production Subcommittee under the CSR Committee, in consultation with all business segments. The content was selected, written and edited with an emphasis on materiality, highlighting the matters of greatest concern to stakeholders.
Strengthening Compliance
Compliance is the cornerstone of the Kobe Steel Group, in terms of fulfilling our social responsibilities. As such, this report details our fair and honest corporate activities, in line with compliance.
Contributing to the Environment through our Business Activities
As well as factoring environmental considerations into our production processes, we also supply environmentally friendly products designed to reduce CO2 emissions and harness untapped energy sources, as well as contribute to local communities through initiatives such as our forest improvement activities.
Strengthening Relationships with our Stakeholders
We report on our social contribution activities in order to strengthen relationships with a wide range of stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, customers and business partners, local communities, employees and overseas companies.
This report was created with reference to the following works: the GRI Guidelines, 3rd Edition; ISO 26000 Guidance on Social Responsibility; the Guidelines for Environmental Reporting, 2007 Edition; and a PR paper on corporate evaluation and business continuity published on August 1, 2005 by the Working Group of the Central Disaster Prevention Council.
Period and Scope Covered

The Sustainability Report 2012 presents the Kobe Steel Group's achievements in environmental protection and community activities in fiscal 2011 (April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012). Some data from previous years are also included. The report sets out the Group's basic stance on environmental protection and social contributions. It also describes past, current and future activities.