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Contributing to the Environment through Research and Development

Development of Materials Technologies that Contribute to Reducing Automobile CO2 Emissions

Kobe Steel contributes to reducing automobile CO2 emissions through R&D into lighter-weight materials, joining and structural design technologies. The Kobe Steel Group helps reduce environmental impact through the development of technologies that maximize the special characteristics of a wide variety of materials, including the Group's high-strength steel and aluminum.

In addition to our own original R&D, Kobe Steel also participates in the Ministry of the Economy, Trade and Industry's project for the development of new and innovative structural material technologies*. The project is implemented by the Innovative Structural Materials Association (ISMA). In addition to material manufacturers such as Kobe Steel, the program also has participation from transport equipment manufacturers and other businesses. The purpose of the program is to promote practical development by utilizing Japan's level of technological advancement.

*As of fiscal 2014 the project will be commissioned under the New Energy and Industrial Technology Organization (NEDO).

Aim of Development

Aim of Development

ISMA Framework for Research and Development

ISMA Framework for Research and Development

*ISMA was established in October 2013 to promote technological development that achieves drastic weight reduction for automobiles and other transport equipment, as well as technological development that results in stronger or otherwise improved structural materials that are integral to transport equipment, such as steel and aluminum.