The Kobe Steel Group's Approach to CSR

At the Kobe Steel Group, we consider our corporate social responsibilities (CSR) to be an important component of Group management and have adopted a Corporate Code of Ethics based on our Group Corporate Philosophy.

The Corporate Code of Ethics is composed of specific guidelines in the form of our Corporate Ethical Principles, Standards of Corporate Conduct, and Implementation Guidelines. It sets the standard that serves as the basis for fulfilling our CSR, including contributing to the environment, building connections with stakeholders, and coexisting in harmony with local communities.

At the Kobe Steel Group, we are determined to contribute to the environment and society as a manufacturer by adhering to our Corporate Ethical Principles and Standards of Corporate Conduct in all our business activities.

The Kobe Steel Group's Approach to CSR

Corporate Philosophy

Kobe Steel Group Corporate Philosophy

Kobe Steel Group's promises shared by all employees

Corporate Ethical Principles

To be a company trusted by customers and society

Guidelines for fulfilling our corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Standards of Corporate Conduct

Creating shared value that resolves social challenges

Especially important standards for conduct to put our Corporate Ethical Principles into practice

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