Basic Environmental Management Policy and Six Principal Initiatives

Through environmental management based on three corporate visions, Kobe Steel aims to be a leading environmental corporate group.

At Kobe Steel, we believe we have a duty to future generations to leave behind a healthy ecosystem, in which all living creatures can thrive. To this end, we have established a Basic Environmental Management Policy as well as six areas for implementation.

We strive to implement environmentally conscious environmental management during every stage of our operations, and have set up a dedicated Environmental Management Committee to explore and make recommendations on these six areas. With participation by all Group employees, we are dedicated to becoming a leading environmental corporate group.

Group Environmental Management System

Group Environmental Management System

Basic Environmental Management Policy

Basic Environmental Management Policy

Implementation of Six Initiatives

Environmentally Friendly Manufacturing

Koji Yamamoto

Koji Yamamoto
Chairman of the Environmental
Management Committee
(Managing Executive Officer)

The Kobe Steel Group will continue to steadily promote environmental management.

The Kobe Steel Group implements groupwide environmental management based on a basic environmental policy consisting of three tenets: pursuing environmentally friendly manufacturing; contributing to the environment through products, technologies and services; and coexisting and cooperating with society.

We will continue to promote environmental management as a corporate group that contributes to society in numerous ways, including weight savings in transporation and hydrogen infrastructure, with a view toward creating a low-carbon society while earning the trust of local communities and customers in and outside Japan through the thorough practice of environmental management.

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