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Global Social Contribution Activities

Our overseas companies contribute to community development

We respect local cultures and customs at all of the Kobe Steel Group's locations around the world and are committed to community-oriented contribution activities through our overseas companies.

PRO-TEC Coating Company
Taking Part in Local Education Support Programs

PRO-TEC Coating Company, one of our US subsidiaries, has been assisting with learning support programs for younger students from local elementary schools for over ten years.

A total of 14 employees are currently taking part in such programs. Every year, from August to May the following year, employees go out to nearby elementary schools to assist with private reading for one hour a week, in an effort to help students improve their reading abilities.

The company also provides support for activities at a local education center in Putnam County, including showing students around its plant and giving presentations emphasizing the importance of teaching, leadership and friendship at school.

Midrex Technologies, Inc.
Sponsoring a Local Football Team

Midrex Technologies, Inc., another of our U.S. subsidiaries, sponsors the Charlotte Cobras, a local American football team based in Charlotte, North Carolina. It also helps manage the team and sell tickets.

The Cobras are associated with a police organization. Supporting the Cobras helps support safety in the community.

Midrex President (far left) with some of the Cobras players

Midrex President (far left) with some of the Cobras players

Kobe Precision Technology Sdn. Bhd.
Visiting and Giving Donations to Welfare Facilities

Kobe Precision Technology Sdn. Bhd., one of our subsidiaries in Malaysia, makes donations to a facility for children who have lost their parents due to accidents or other unforeseen circumstances. Donations include items such as refrigerators and sportswear, as well as money. In February, when the Chinese Lunar New Year was celebrated in Malaysia, 15 employees also visited a local nursing home, following on from a similar initiative the year before, and gave hampers and cash donations to 220 elderly residents.

Giving presents to children

Giving presents to children

Visiting and giving donations at a children's facility

Visiting and giving donations at a children's facility