Supplementary Material for Integrated Report 2019

Environmental Accounting

The Kobe Steel Group continuously engages in environmental conservation.
The costs and benefits of these efforts are analyzed, and relevant information is disclosed in order to deepen stakeholders’ understanding of our initiatives.

Environment-Related Investments and Results

Kobe Steel, Ltd. invests in the installation and continual maintenance of environmental equipment, and pursues environmental measures on a variety of fronts. In fiscal 2018, we invested approximately ¥3.1 billion, primarily to reduce CO2 emissions, to prevent air and water pollution, and to recycle waste.

Expenses in fiscal 2018 totaled ¥35.2 billion. Moreover, we invested about 27% of total expenses, or roughly ¥9.4 billion, in R&D for technology development, including to make automobile weight reduction proposals that combine competitiveness in the raw materials of cutting-edge high-strength steel and aluminum with solution technologies, applying our strengths in steel, aluminum and welding materials.

In the future, we will continue to implement measures related to environmental preservation.

Breakdown of Equipment Investments and Expenses

(Millions of yen)

Item Equipment investment Expense
Business area Pollution prevention Air pollution prevention 180 9,960
Water pollution prevention 190 5,100
Resource recycling Waste recycling/ processing, yield improvement 1,930 7,980
Environmental conservation Energy-saving investment 840 -
Management activities EMS registration/renewal - 50
Environmental impact monitoring/measuring - 320
Personnel expenses for environmental measures/organizations - 2,080
R&D Development of eco products and reduction of environmental impact of manufacturing processes - 9,370
Social activities Environmental organization support, advertising - 20
Other Assessments on pollution load - 320
  Total 3,140 35,200

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