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Reader Evaluations

The Kobe Steel Group conducts a survey in conjunction with the publication of this Sustainability Report. We received the following evaluations from a large range of readers regarding the FY2008 report. We will continue to listen to the opinions of our readers and incorporate their suggestions for further improvement.
Results of the FY2008 Survey
Profile of Respondents
Profile of Respondents
Evaluation of FY2008 Report
Evaluation of FY2008 Report

Content That Was Particularly Interesting or Impressive

- I was especially impressed by how well the company worked in harmony with local communities. I hope it will continue to develop while contributing to society. (20-year-old female student)
- I was surprised to discover that Kobe Steel operates electric power plants. If you have a pamphlet about your power generating facilities, please send it to me. (23-year-old male government worker)
- I think the Kobelco 1/17 Walk is a good way to keep the disaster experience alive in people's minds. (15-year-old male student)
- Concerning the company's recycling efforts, I was impressed that the LP gas tanks are reused. (58-year-old male worker)
- I found it encouraging to hear that the Group makes Only One products designed to reduce the burden on the environment. (74-year-old self-employed male)
- I think you're doing a good job regarding workplace health and safety. (Male student, age not entered)
- I was interested in the steelworks' air emission data, the environmental burden, and the degree of improvement. (21-year-old female student)
- I was impressed that you provide technologies aimed at improving cars' fuel efficiency in order to fight global warming. (21-year-old female student)
- I was impressed by your internal reporting system. Employees can report inappropriate company activities to outside authorities without feeling pressure from superiors inside the company. I think that's a good way to keep the company's internal system healthy. (20-year-old female student)

Content Readers Would Like to See Included in the Next Report

- It would be good to include a graph showing total greenhouse gas emissions and a breakdown of the different gas types. I'd also like to find out about measures being taken that are unique to Kobe Steel. (20-year-old female student)
- Follow-up report on what happened after the air emission incidents at the steelworks. (76-year-old male NPO worker)
- I'd like to hear the unfiltered opinions and experiences of Group employees. (Male student, age not entered)
- I'd like to have a little more detail on compliance. (23-year-old male government worker)
- Total amount expended on CSR activities, estimation method, etc. Also, concerning environmental countermeasures, I'd rather have absolute, concrete amounts instead of percentages. (20-year-old female student)
- A third-party evaluation of environmental countermeasures than just a self-evaluation. (20-year-old male student)
- Information about environmental goals and detailed performance with analytical data. I'd like to know what effect each type of environmental activity has had. (22-year-old male student)

Other Comments

- Even if it takes several years, I'd like to see rugby-related activities carried out in all localities where the Group operates. (58-year-old male worker)
- I think CSR accounting and SRI should be further bolstered. (20-year-old female student)
- I think it's wonderful that the Group is involved in such wide-ranging environmental activities, but I can't help feeling that they're just going through the motions. (22-year-old male student)
- Overall, I think it was good that each item was described in such detail. I'd like to know more details about future plans, as well. (20-year-old female student)
- I'd like to see audits done that go beyond third-party comments. (21-year-old female student)
- I think it's easier for the steel industry to place priority on environmental activities than it is for companies in other fields. I look forward to clear reports in the future. (21-year old female student)