Sustainability Report 2017


Environmental Report

Social Report

This report was created with reference to "GRI Guidelines Ver. 4.0" and "ISO 26000 - Social Responsibility," environmental reporting based on "Environmental Reporting Guidelines 2012," and disaster prevention based on the PR document published August 1, 2005 by the Central Disaster Prevention Council Working Group on Corporate Evaluation and Operational Continuity.

Time Period of Reporting

As the 2017 edition, this report reflects the results of environmental and social activities undertaken by the Kobe Steel Group in fiscal 2016 (April 1, 2016-March 31, 2017). A portion of the material may be from outside this timeframe. Reporting covers the Group's basic stance toward environmental and social initiatives with reference to past, present and future activities.

Scope of Reporting

In principle, this report covers the activities of Kobe Steel Ltd. as well as its group companies within Japan and overseas.

Comparative Table



In order to spread environmental awareness and foster an environmental mindset among employees, the Kobe Steel Group has created its own environmental logo.

The logo's leaf symbol, hand drawn to represent the leaf of a lush and thriving tree, indicates the natural and gentle image of nature, while the arrow mark and the word "ECOWAY" express our commitment to proceeding steadily down the path toward becoming a leading environmental corporate group.

Reference material

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