The Kobe Steel Group continuously engages in environmental conservation. The cost and benefit of these efforts is analyzed, and relevant information is disclosed in order to deepen understanding on the part of stakeholders.
Kobe Steel invests in the installation and continual maintenance of environmental equipment, and environmental measures are pursued on a variety of fronts.
In fiscal 2016 we invested approximately ¥2 billion, primarily for energy savings through higher efficiency equipment and improvements in thermal efficiency; reduction in soot, smoke, and dust through the installation and updating of dust collectors; reduction in the risk of industrial effluent leaks through updating of piping, and other measures. These investments contribute to reduced CO2 emissions, reduced atmospheric impact, and the prevention of water pollution.
Total outlay in fiscal 2016 was approximately ¥33.4 billion. Approximately 28 percent of the outlay was used to limit air pollution, approximately 12 percent to limit water pollution, and approximately 26 percent for waste recycling and processing. Regarding contributions made through technologies, products and services, outlay for R&D, such as development of equipment and machinery for hydrogen stations and development of technologies related to production of automotive and aerospace materials, amounted to approximately 26 percent.
In the future, we will continue to take measures geared toward environmental conservation.
Breakdown of Investments in Fiscal 2016 (Kobe Steel)
Breakdown of Outlay in Fiscal 2016 (Kobe Steel)