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Environmental Management
Sustainability Report 2007
6. Thorough Risk Management
After the discovery of air emission problems at our works, environmental management was tightened by forming a new Environmental Control Committee and instituting other measures.
Environmental Management and Audit
To strengthen and enhance environmental management in the Kobe Steel Group, a full-time team has been created within the Environmental Control and Disaster Prevention Department at Kobe Steel. The team collects and analyzes environmental data from Kobe Steel and the main Group companies, and runs joint surveys with the Environmental Control Sections at individual plants and works. Through these activities, the Headquarters and plants, working together, will be able to identify and resolve problems occurring at plants and works.

In addition to regular internal audits and external audits undertaken by authorized institutions, which are carried out at each operating location on the basis of ISO14001, the Environmental Control and Disaster Prevention Department is undertaking its own audits at Kobe Steel's works and plants. Furthermore, surveys are also conducted at Group companies to ensure that all environmental laws and regulations are being strictly followed. In 2006, in addition to the ongoing practice of written audits, on-site audits were carried out at 11 Kobe Steel locations and verification surveys at 14 locations of Group companies. These on-site and verification surveys were undertaken by the Environmental Control and Disaster Prevention Department, the Audit Department, and outside consultants. They widened their audits to include the environmental management of operations and examined operations data.

Joint on-site survey (Hazardous materials storage at Fujisawa Industrial Operations
Joint on-site survey (Hazardous materials storage at Fujisawa Industrial Operations)

Joint on-site survey (Dust collector at Saijo Plant)
Joint on-site survey (Dust collector at Saijo Plant)
Administrative Warnings and Guidance received in FY2006
* Notification to the authorities of the installation of equipment requiring sound-proofing was not made on time.
* Equipment in compliance with the Water Quality Contamination Prevention Law was removed, but notification to the authorities of the removal was not made on time.
Cases of administrative warning and guidance received (Kobe Steel)
  Air Water Other
Fiscal 2002 2 1 1
Fiscal 2003 2 1 1
Fiscal 2004 0 0 0
Fiscal 2005 4 0 0
Fiscal 2006 2 1 2
Cases of administrative warning and guidance received (Group companies)
  Air Water Other
Fiscal 2002 1 2 0
Fiscal 2003 0 2 0
Fiscal 2004 1 5 1
Fiscal 2005 0 4 1
Fiscal 2006 2 6 3