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Thorough Risk Management

In addition to measures for grasping and reducing environmental risk related to business operations, the Kobe Steel Group also establishes daily procedures for appropriate management of these risks.

Through environmental audits and other such measures we continuously pursue thorough legal compliance and strengthened environmental management.

Improving Environmental Management

Environmental inspection (Ceratechno Co., Ltd., Kakogawa Plant)

Environmental inspection
(Ceratechno Co., Ltd., Kakogawa

At Kobe Steel locations, we have introduced environmental management systems (EMS) such as ISO 14001 and carry out internal audits as well as audits by outside certifying agencies. Additionally, following in-company rules, both paper and on-site inspections are carried out by the Companywide Environmental Controls Department (head office) so as to raise the overall level of environmental management.

Paper inspections are also carried out for Group companies. At locations where environmental risks are high EMS are introduced and, together with voluntary environmental measures, on-site verification is carried out by the Kobe Steel head office.

Outside consultants are involved in the planning of on-site inspections so as to ensure an objective and reasonable approach.

Individual on-site checklists are created for each location. As of fiscal 2012 we introduced a new system whereby each location carries out a self-assessment before its inspection. This helps to make the on-site inspections more effective.

Responding to Environmental Risks

Environmental lecture

Environmental lecture

As part of our response to environmental risks, the Kobe Steel Group has widened the scope of the yearly paper inspections it carries out and expanded the categories of environmental data collected.

Additionally, in order to strengthen Groupwide compliance awareness, including awareness of environmental issues, we sponsored an environmental lecture, inviting the environmental controls director of the Hyogo Prefectural Agricultural Administration and Environment Division to speak. The lecture was open to a wide variety of employees, not only environmental representatives. Approximately 150 people attended.

Emergency Drills

In addition to risk extraction and reduction, regular emergency drills are also carried out at each location.

After drills, review meetings are held to identify issues and carry out PDCA cycles.

Administrative Instruction and Guidance in Fiscal 2013

Kobe Steel and its Group companies committed no major infractions of environmental law in fiscal 2013. Companies did, however, receive instruction and guidance from related administrative organizations.

Administrative Instruction/Guidance

  Air Water Other
Kobe Steel 0 2 0
Group companies 1 1 2

Examples of Administrative Instruction and Guidance

 * It was found that we had failed to report necessary information regarding environmental facilities. A report was submitted, and employees were retrained.

 * During administrative inspection a deficiency was revealed in one of our reports. The report was corrected.

 * During on-site administrative inspection of drainage, pH levels were found to be in excess of acceptable levels. We received administrative guidance telling us to correct the levels. The cause was investigated, management methods revised, and employees retrained.